Nathan's Japan Website

Spiffy Graphic

Okay, Photoshop is up and kicking. So now you can expect more in the graphics department. You might not actually get more, but feel free to expect more.
Note from cousin Lucas: Photoshop isn't kicking. It might be kicking on a better computer, but right now Photoshop is not kicking.
Note from Nathan: Ditto, but it will do.

A brief overview
Things I've done / Places I've seen
Update #1 to Things I've done / Places I've seen.
Update #2
Update #3
Update #4
Update #5
Update #6
Update #7
Update #8


©2000 Nathan V.W. Last updated: About 6:00 P.M. on 12/3 Illinois time (CST); About 9:00 A.M. on 12/4 Japan time (JST).
Counter: Images must be on