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discarded statue
Correct me if I'm worng.



This post was written on Monday, October 3rd, 2005 around 1 PM.
   As mentioned in the news on my other site, I'm posting some writing I did my first year at college. I decided to enter it pretty much verbatim from my original score.
  As a side note, I see that my powerful comment-moderating authority was severely needed. Thanks for all the comments, everyone! Being able to get your feedback makes it less traumatizing to have the same blog template as everyone else on the planet.

Sep. 25, 2003. 10:36 pm

Grade AA
guarantees that I'm wholly
unblemished, consistent
and just the right size.
Feel safe and secure buying me.

My outer layer
ensures that I'm only
the freshest, resistant
and sterile inside.
I'm whitewashed, I sit quietly

I'm grouped in a cold carton so
my end will only be like all the others
quickly turned inside out,
a short drop through my world no time for breath
a quick death from the heat

Grade AA means
None of those sac-breaking* tries
that make a young chick strong
to greet the world with blurry eyes
and live within the throng.

*back-breaking, and those that stretch the heart
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