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My news

(11 June 2006) Nineteen days, nineteen hours and less than nineteen minutes until the big day! Since I "graduated" on May 5 there have been plenty of doings. Here's the basic outline of what I remember doing between then and now: finished packing out of the school apartment, stopped by grandparents the weekend of Pella's Tulip Time, came home and scanned negatives for about a week, hung out with one old friend for an evening, went back to NW Iowa to take a Graphic Design class and downloaded basemaps for everywhere I think I've taken or might take pictures soon, hung out with Hannah more, drove back to IL, went to my sister's graduation, enjoyed my church's grad potluck, and then started working my mowing/landscape job as well as hanging out with more friends. I still have one more thing to finish up on my degree, which involves answering many questions in the direction of how cross-cultural experiences make me feel.
    There is currently no job in my sights right now. (I did find some work with the guy I worked for during high school for these three weeks.) Someone with more experience landed the full-time position I was pretty keen on getting, so now I am even more motivated to continue my job hunt. This morning, I was kindly offered the use of a semi on a farmyard where I could learn CDL material. I am convinced that God has faithfully protected the world from my driving so far, but I am not sure if I trust Him enough to throttle up a miniature freight train.

(3 May 2006) Motivation was shattered when my Greek prof told me not to worry about handing in more workbook pages. While I still hope to continue on in those studies, perhaps even tonight yet, I am otherwise fairly well squared away with school this week. Even provided my finals actually went as well as they seemed, I will still have some "post-graduate" undergraduate work to complete. But that's another day's story.
    No solid news on the job-for-Nathan front. I'm currently slightly more concerned about temporary summer work at this point in time. In the meantime, I've been polishing some web and application programming skills between schoolwork. I'd be almost tempted to give a go at that, or perhaps just handyman services, if it seemed like the community could use that. We'll see. In the meantime, it's a lovely day, there's nearly cause for celebration, and no schoolwork is calling my name. Why am I still inside?

(24 April 2006) You heard it here last, probably, but last weekend Hannah accepted a teaching position in Washington. I'm pretty excited about the area, and for her opportunity. Still no definite job offers for me; I'm not too worried at this point. Right now the goal is passing all of my classes with reasonably good grades. Most of the work left looks to be interesting and healthy. I'm working on one fun project that actually involves computer programming! Still, if you are accredited and can give me an A or B for posting another set of pictures, let's get in touch! Soooon!!

(22 March 2006) It's that time of year again -- along with the snow, hundreds of exciting ideas are thawing out of winter. But assignments and obligations are springing up much faster than the grass, which is still on hold beneath what might be the last big snow of this winter. And it was big in this area: on Monday, after successfully taking two college-credit standardized tests, the ride home was greatly delayed by the heavy snow. Since I had stayed at the Hooyer's over break, I still had to move back to my apartment that night. By about 10pm, I had settled back in somewhat, all tense from the snowed-in late-night study sessions of so-called spring break.
    Now that I'm back into the routine a bit, I'm relaxing a bit more, as evidenced by this long-anticipated news item which I may or not prooofreeds. Besides several term papers and the daily grind of schoolwork, I need to start applying for jobs. Hannah has gotten a couple of contract offers from schools, and the field seems to be narrowing down enough to start my job search. Which is what I shall get back to now. Ciao!

(11 February 2006) Birthday score: ten of ten. Of the ten e-mails I got in the 24-hour period of February 8, ten were from people just to wish me a happy birthday. (Okay, one was from a computer...) Thanks to all who sent your well wishes and gifts!
    Lately I've been listening to some random tracks purchased in iTunes (Joy Electric, Matisyahu, Union Station, Veggie Tales) and some albums I've been given lately (including Janáček, Chris Thile, Jars of Clay) as well as some available free online (Havalina, live Matisyahu). I've been doing quite a large percentage of homework for a majority of my classes. I haven't taken many pictures, but I did have the opportunity to freeze my fingers numb doing a bit of astrophotography last week. I've also gathered up some pictures I took earlier this year, so remind me if I don't get those up soon. My jobbish duties are calming down, so I'm hoping to get a few other projects finalized: catching up in Greek, posting more rounds of pictures, printing wedding RSVP cards and mastering the recording of Hannah's recital. We'll see how it goes.

(28 January 2006) Noise was streaming from a radio in one room, a television in another and my computer in mine. I was the only one around, and since this was a rare occasion that I didn't mind the spout of DJ's and the spew of TV advertisers.....I was tempted to put a CD on in the kitchen.
    Lately I've been doing homework (whoa...), going to a bazillion classes, working a lot at my auditorium job, hanging out with Hannah, refurbishing some Newtons, doing some work on wedding details, submitting ideas and patches to Quisition, sorting through pictures, listening to music, reading technology news and, occasionally, sleeping. As a matter of fact, I'm *so* busy that I deserve the respect of all my peers, some cash awards and maybe even a medal or two. Or at least a diploma.

(17 January 2006) Time has been selling like butter on premium gasoline lately. I haven't been surfing the web quite as much so far this semester, but I figured there must be something fun that I've seen lately. After a quick look in my history, I didn't find much that wasn't already linked at my other website. So I looked around in my bookmarks and found a fun site with graphs and maps on it. Now back to the business of news...
    First item is that you must add "Introduction to Linguistics" to my class list this semester, as well as an "overload" fee intended to encourage busy students to take on part-time employment in the wee hours of the morning. Hmmm...I was going to save gripes like that for my other site, but that never really kept the focus its name allowed. I'll let you in on a little secret: I'm planning on combining this site with my other somehow. Dordt's policy is to close out accounts soon after release, and so I'd like to merge this sooner than later. Of course, I can safely make grand plans like that, since it looks like this semester I can make full and legitimate use of the "too much homework" excuse.

(9 January 2006) Reviewing the vacation: on Monday afternoon after Christmas, we drove to my dad's folks in Pella and celebrated with several rounds of gifts, forever captured on the cards of about seven Canon digital cameras. Then, on the someteenth, Hannah, my family and I packed ourselves into a minivan and drove from Pella to Grand Rapids. There, Hannah got to meet a bunch of my relatives on my mom's side, although there are a few of the seven siblings that she has yet to meet. On the first Monday of the New Year, we backtracked a little, ending up in Illinois at my parents' house. While there, we opened still more presents. Also, I visited the eye doctor, the regular doctor and the dentist. The upper-wisdom-teeth-removing dentist. Actually, the first attempt at removal failed due to extreme lightheadedness. The next day I kept fully conscious until after he had removed the little buggers, which was nice. Except the nausea both times and the icky drool afterwards, it was a surprisingly painless process.
    Unfortunately, while back home I never had an opportunity to attend my church, since we returned to Sioux Center that Friday. I did get to hang out with one friend, spend some time with a church shut-in and call up a few other friends while in town. After we got back to Iowa, we spent some time at Hannah's parents' and at my cousin's house in celebration of her profession of faith.
    So, a pretty busy "break", but still relaxing and refreshing. Now another semester is about to begin. On the docket: Greek, Logic, Numerical Analysis, Technology and Society [again], GEN-300, Chorale and some PE classes. I wonder if even grad schools require PE...

(24 December 2005) Wrapping presents in gift bags is an act of cunning and stewardship, I found this week. Cunning, because it means I don't end up with a lopsided scotch taped creation; stewardly because they are reusable with little effort. What you might not realize is that I am writing this on my Apple Newton eMate 300. Writing and typing, that is. Although the handwriting recognition is better than my former Pocket PC's, and pretty impressive for a computer made in 1997, it's still slower than typing, so I'm glad for the keyboard it has. Especially now that I reunstickified the spacebar and the 'B'. I'm very impressed with this eight year old design. Why can't Apple make a little iBook with a touch screen and some PDA-oriented software?
    Hannah and I are on Christmas break now. This last week I worked in her dad's wood shop again, mostly cleaning out old scrap material that had been sitting around for too long. Last night the Christmas festivities started for me at a large food-filled gathering of Hannah's relatives from her Dad's side. Tonight her immediate family is planning to open gifts. Then next week, the travels begin. Pella, NW Illinois and Michigan's Mecca are all on the itinerary. I'm looking forward to seeing my extended family again, and hopefully finally introducing Hannah to my mom's side of the tree.

(13 December 2005) Finals are here, it was pretty cold for about a week and now it's warmer again. I've taken a few pictures, but not as many as I should have. I'm doing some homework, but not as much as I intended to. I'm hoping to have some time over Christmas break for some programming, which didn't happen much at all this semester. Speaking of Christams break, I've put up a list of things, in case you needed gift ideas still. Speaking of homework, I should go do some Greek and Music Theory.

(30 November 2005) For some strange reason, "What I am thankful for" seems to be all the rage lately. Of course, I just had a wonderful Thanksgiving myself. I am thankful for safe travels to and from Pella, to see family with my betrothed. I am very grateful for them, too. Even though I have a nasty buildup of phlegm in my throat, I am thankful that my nose is hardly more stuffed up than normal, and that now I have an excellent cause to smear Vick's Vapor Rub all over my chest and throat. I am also thankful for tons of new music. Yesterday morning, I found two Joy Electric records waiting for me in the mailroom. In the evening I found a bunch of songs on grassrootsmusic.com. I also earned a few iTunes songs from Ford's Driving Skills Quiz. Then today I came across a bunch of free songs on soundsfamilyre.com while researching some Christmas songs I found a bit earlier. These songs by Sufjan Stevens are the most wonderful Christmas music I have heard in a long time. Now I am listening to Rimsky-Korsakov's Russian Easter Overture and enjoying a cup of tea with Hannah.

(21 November 2005) Since November 3, I have eaten the warm apple pie, gone to South Dakota, been to Ames and done homework. I've taken relatively few pictures, and made relatively little progress on any real programs. Relative to how much I should be practicing those things. I have done more reading, which has been helpful, and have made baby steps in both JavaScript and LISP programming. Thanksgiving break will soon be here. I have a test and a project tomorrow morning, so until then I don't have time to post things like this.

(3 November 2005) Still stuck in my head is Hannah's virtuoistic interpretation of a marathonic Franck sonata. Her half-recital tonight went really well (the whole recital did, not just her half) and a good bunch of people had the privilege of attending. Several members of my immediate and extended family were able to come: my mom, my younger sister, my grandma and my aunt and uncle with their four children. I'm hoping that tomorrow brings more time with them - today was sort of busy. My physics lab (on lenses, no less) went shorter today, which helped - but I still managed to fill the time by reading a few more chapters from The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, a book by Edward Tufte that I found in Dordt's library thanks to a JavaScript reference designed by a good chap. The book is actually more of a page-turner than its title would suggest. Well, I've shared a positive review of her excellent recital, plus a little more. My observations on the digestive intricacies of hutsput that readers of her blog might expect have been shoved down. So I should go to bed.

(29 October 2005) Cabbage, potatoes, carrots, an onion and some sausage are becoming stew on the stove in the kitchen. The first time I did this, it turned out to be very good, considering I used the wrong kind of sausage and didn't have a clue what I was doing. It's a solid meal to have in the fridge for enjoyment through the week, although I can confirm that it is kind of gassy.
    I've gotten a bit behind in captioning, so I might have to make this short. So...in short...not a whole lot is up. Hannah will be playing in a recital soon. I'm can't recall anything particularly exciting that I have done or will do within a week or so. Unless you count the cabbage stew....mmmmm! If only I could convince Hannah how good cabbage tastes.

(24 October 2005) The last DVD of fifty just popped out of my little Mac mini. I'll try typing this news update while I'm printing the labels on. Homework hasn't been happening as much as it should, due to my push to get these Inspiration Hills DVD's made. Last week I was pretty tired as well, nearly falling asleep whenever I sat down to study Greek. My plan is to pick up more homework once I'm done with this video project.
    Of course, there's always more programming to be done. I've got to wrap up one project I started last year, as well as continue on my quest towards well-designed photo management software. It looks like Apple will be providing stiff competition with Aperture, their soon-to-be-released professional photography software. From their website, it looks like my dad and I were on the right track with most of our program concepts last semester. This adds more credibility to the theory that our conversations are being secretly recorded. Unfortunately, I still don't have the experience or the time to make complex ideas into useable reality. It's kind of frustrating. I'd be tempted to just give up and buy Apple's software, except it costs half a grand. Oooh....the educational discount does bring that all the way down to $250!
    I'm actually hoping that an educational license will no longer apply to me within a year. If I don't keep failing classes, I will have essentially paid my debt to society by the end of next spring. The degree I'll get won't be a very marketable one - it's more comforting to know that the things I thought would be useful for photo organizing get carried out by respectable companies like Flickr and Apple. It almost seems like I *should* try to start something myself. Of course, the dedicated companies also feature a lot of good ideas I had missed. Hup! The discs are done.

(19 October 2005) Being explicit about homework time has helped me to study a bit more, as well as keep up with other tasks. On the advice of a college guidance counselor, I made a schedule that has specific coursework scheduled in around my class schedule. That, combined with dropping Real Analysis, has made my days a bit more symmetric. For the first half of the semester, every single day had a different schedule. Not good. Now I've been doing a bit more homework, and have found it easier to focus during other times of the day as well. Hooray for structure!
    p.s. The end is finally in sight for the IH Staff Videos.

(17 October 2005) More of my posting effort has gone into the Extinguished Scholar site lately. But right now, all my rough drafts for that site are waiting upon more research. So it's a good chance to put some regular news up here. Tonight I make supper, but hopefully I can get some typing in as I wait for the bacon to cook. Long live BLT.
    The trouble with dinner in the fall is that it comes just as the sunlight makes for the most delightful pictures. I was grateful to be one of the guests for Canadian Thanksgiving dinner at Hannah's apartment. All the same, we still need to get some pictures with both of us in the same frame, and the fall colors push me to find aspects of the world that the other 28 billion digital pictures missed last year. Maybe there *is* room for another Flickr (a site with many good design qualities, btw). Thinking about future careers, future everything, has been moved back to the front burner again. We've talked a little more about wedding plans, spending most of Sunday afternoon in parley while we should have been napping.

(8 October 2005) Well, I'm engaged. The highlight of today was Hannah saying "I love you, too"! We had beautiful weather to celebrate our year and seven months of dating, and now the word "girlfriend" can fall back out of my vocabulary.

(2 October 2005) Warm apple pie has started to fit in with the season. I'm glad to have one in the freezer, as hush-money from someone caught "stealing" apples that we were going to shovel up and throw away. It seems like I'm getting up earlier every morning, but I'm afraid the opposite is true. I got out my Parker today to play a bit, but sitting in a little cubbyhole of the apartment, trying to keep the volume down, wasn't very inspiring on this occasion. I did enjoy singing some hymns with Hannah earlier this afternoon.
    There's not much news beyond what I usually write in the news. Pictures - yes, but not yet posted. Music - listening to Michael Card at the moment. Plans for the future - cloudy in a dreamy sort of way. Hannah - dreamy in a solid sort of way. I think I'll go look at some more old pictures as I caption them.

(28 September 2005) Excitement abounds! I was looking through an old journal with Hannah and found something which I had lost forever. Last schoolyear I remembered for some reason a poem that I had written freshman year, and went to go pull it up. I thought I had composed it on my computer, but nothing came forth. So I looked through my folder of paper song ideas...nothing. I ran back to the computer, back to the boxes of scraps, back to the computer. Nothing. Then it hit me.
    The last time I had reinstalled Windows [a good habit to get into] I had forgotten to back up some files I had on my Desktop...which is right where the poem would have been. No!!! Back to the computer, stick in every backup CD I've made...nothing. The first line is haunting me, as is the seventeeth. But the rest will need to be rewritten or left in my past.
    But I wrote it not on my computer. I wrote it not on a sheet of notebook paper. I had written it in my journal! Once I hone it a bit, I think I'll post it on my academic growth site: extinguishedscholar.com

(26 September 2005) Stereophonic mulitimedia events abound in my room lately. I finished captioning the pictures that I took with my first digital camera. It's definitely a milestone, but I had only taken about 3000 pictures on that A70 before I replaced it on account of it's antics. I have been keeping up with all the pictures on my new camera for the most part, too. That said, I still have a long, long stretch of 10,000 pictures to go before I'm caught up on captioning due to my near obsessive-compulsive behaviour with my faithful S60 during the last year.
    But no stereophonic multimedia event would be complete without stereo and multimedia. The stereo comes in the form of two new CD's that arrived today. I had been wanting to give Phil Keaggy's "On The Fly" some more air time on my room speakers, but as I didn't own it I couldn't spin it. When philkeaggy.com was donating part of their proceeds to you-know-where I figured it was just as good a time as any to buy it. The other disc is Project 86's new "And the Rest Will Follow" album which came out...tomorrow. I pre-ordered it a while back and ye olde USPS got it here a day early! It also came with a free making-of DVD that I'm saving to open later. The multimedia in this event comes not from the angry free-sampler DVD I got from another band last Friday, but from some progress I made on the Inspiration Hills staff videos.
    Well, it's been great but I really should have lunch soon. Mmmmmm....food.

(24 September 2005) Wondering what a roll of film costs to develop these days? I'm kind of curious, because of the latest addition to my camera collection: the Canon EOS 650. Why did I buy an old film SLR? Well, because for 3/4 the going rate of a lens I wanted, I was able to get a camera, an outdated flash module and the lens itself. Not a bad deal. The film body has an excellent feel to it, not nearly as cramped as my digital. But that's not so much of an incentive to go back to film. My biggest memory of film was having the undeveloped rolls sit in my room for seasons at a time before I saved up enough change to get them developed. Especially for a beginner like me, the digital perks (convenient storage, instantiety and having a record of all camera settings attached to each file) make digital photography the perfect medium for this impatient and forgetful college refugee. Now I have a great zoom and a well-recommended prime to practice with for a good while. We'll see how it goes...

(17 September 2005) And today I broke a thousand pictures on my new camera, for 3GB on each of two hard disks. I haven't seen them all yet, but I'm starting to improve a bit. The first week, I just held my breath and hoped the expensive camera would make my icky compositions look good. The second week, I realized that was not the case and furthermore, I worried that I had already taken pictures of everything there was to see near Dordt's campus. The third week, gas prices have settled a teeny bit, my truck is out of the shop and I bet there's still plenty that will speak to me within walking distance. Even though the first week was a bit intimidating, my plan was to make a gallery of the first week's pictures. Look for that, as well as more catch-up from the last two cameras....after these messages.

(13 September 2005) Little bits of things got done today - a little Greek studying, a little work on the Inspiration Hills staff video, a little catching up on e-mail, a little work on the website, and a little thought towards homework. About a bagillion people are wishing me well in my studies. I even talked to Dordt's "Director of Career Development" about my missing motivation. Maybe someday, but for now: no immediate progress. You can put the boy in the study, but you can't put the study in the boy.
    I've been paying a bit more attention to music lately. When my erudite apartmentmates aren't around, I like to make loud the new internet-streamed Joy Electric songs. I also bought two used CD's off of Half.com - Invention featuring Phil Keaggy et al., and a self-titled Crash Rickshaw album featuring some members of Project 86. I'm a long ways from recording any response of my own. Maybe someday when I have space to set up a microphone, and room to sing loudly without disturbing the other side of the wood panelling.
    I have a little more to do before calling it quits for the night. Today certainly hasn't been awful. Maybe tomorrow there won't be even a little rain, my truck will be out of the shop (with a small bill) and the great outdoors' free time will seep in to me through the cinderblock.

(10 September 2005) Returning to Dordt after a weekend, especially a weekend away, has been disheartening lately. An entire two and a half days to put as much distance between me and the week ahead - wasted. This weekend ended up being even longer, so I wonder how I'll feel by Monday afternoon. Probably so relieved to be out of class that I won't want to do the missing homework that makes class so hard to go to. I have all of tomorrow to unwind before then.
    To recap, my early weekend was good. Many friends and relatives were at the visitation and funeral - my late great-grandmother's remaining siblings, most of her descendants, and scores of people from the community. Fond memories were brought up, and I was reminded often of my great-grandpa. I remember him in his white hair, but dapper and full of character. Cheerfully he and grandma showed kindness to the community that surrounded them. So different from the scowl on my face when I'm faced with the hassles to be found in every corner of the Dordt fishbowl.

(7 September 2005) Let it be known that I started to work on a class-related project this evening. That's right, this evening. Not before class, not during class, but while sitting in front of my computer. When I caught myself, I got excited enough to write about it. Maybe I'll even get back to making my Greek flashcards after putting this online.
    Besides wanting to learn Greek, I also am thinking ahead to tomorrow. I will be travelling down to Pella with my aunt and uncle's family - for my great-grandmother's funeral. I have always gotten mixed feelings when a great-grandparent dies. I was privileged to know many of them during my childhood. Now, after their lives were filled, they are all gone, to be resurrected to full new life.

(3 September 2005) If I had been looking forward to this semester, and I think I was, almost, I look forward no longer. I forgot how much time homework takes. How much homework takes life. I'm still trying to catch up from last year. I'm still trying to figure out the next step after I get out of here. And I don't have time to figure out where I left my pencil when I was done fiddling with it. (If you're reading this, Hjon, I still owe you one for noticing it attached to the miniblind adjuster.)
    Last night, I drove all the way to the LifeLight Festival in Sioux Falls to see just one band. It was great to feel the heavy music of Project 86 after a long week of academic disappointment. I took my new Canon Digital Rebel XT along to see how it would do - I didn't get to a great spot for photos, but some turned out okay. The camera performed wonderfully. [I'm hoping to post some shots from the camera soon.] After the show, I bought a book and talked with some of the band members just a bit. Despite the fact that more than half the words were either screamed or moaned, I ended the week refreshed and uplifted. But I still slept through my alarm for a while this morning...

(28 August 2005) Goes without saying that I haven't updated this site in awhile. I grew frustrated because I didn't really have anything pleasant to post besides "I hate school" - which wasn't all that pleasant either. Now that the plans are to be done with undergrad by next spring, it's not quite so difficult to stay undepressed.
    So...classes are: Music Theory III, Physics III, Greek 101, Differential Equations, Real Analysis and Bowling. I'd like to visit some others, but I'd also like to get some summer (and previous) projects done and take some CLEP tests. Enough about school.
    What else is cool and exciting? I haven't gotten sick from any of my roomates' cooking. Hjon shared the news that Adventures in Odyssey is now offered as a podcast, and Jungle Jam reruns are happening over-the-air. My work-study department will soon command a Dual-processor PowerMac G5, dv. At least a couple of the new profs at Dordt seem really quality. And Hannah is still rather stunning.

(as time passes) Posted on August 28, but I figured that I would fill in some summer details. I had an enjoyable summer, influenced by: getting to spend a grand amount of time with my lovely friend Hannah, getting to do fulfilling service among allies at summer camp, and getting to do fulfilling work on Dordt's grass and landscape. I even started reading Catch-22. But I had a rocky relationship with it from the start, and got sick of renewing it. I'm sure there are other critically-acclaimed books that I would enjoy more.
    Summer involved a couple of fly-ins and one trip - a weekend at my parents' to celebrate my youngest sister leaving our grade school behind, a week-long family reunion, and a wedding in Spokane. I was privileged to bless my family with Hannah's company on two of those three trips. She got to meet my wild great-uncles in Keystone, and also helped me get all the way to Illinois and back within about 72 hours.
    I should note that not only did we stay at the mountain-mall of Keystone for a while, but also went Jeeping and tackled a 13 mile hike up Pike's Peak using the Vos Oxygen System and lots of bottled water.
    If it wasn't clear as mud from the initial reference, I was witness to the public union of my cousin Matt and his...wife...Laura. My oldest cousin Jon, being a bit more wise to the benefits of single life, left his brother to start the next generation of weddings. I believe it was just last summer that the last of my uncles "tied the knot".
    Camp went well again. I don't think I grew as much this summer as last, but that's not surprising since I felt pretty much dead at the end of last semester. The staff was once again great...I think we got along even better this summer.
    At camp, out west and around Sioux Center I took enough wide-angle pictures with my trusty new Canon S60 to make me consider something more flexible. Hopefully I can sort through the 10,000+ pictures I've taken and add to the 18 or so that I've posted online.

(12 March 2005) Spring break is here. I plan to work in Hannah's folks' wood shop's interior. I have been doing stuff. I just haven't been writing about doing stuff. Now I'm writing about wri -
(update from December 3 item: So I don't think I've read any of the books on my to-read list. Hmmmmm....)

(3 December 2004) Lesson of the week: college is a good place to learn. Profs (and some students) know their stuff, and can give recommendations of good books to read. Lesson number two, realized shortly after: I could easily flunk out next semester if I study even half of the books and articles on my to-read list. If I leave, I'll stop hearing about good books. If I stay, I can only afford to *hear* about good books. I would make some reference to Catch-22, but after three semesters, it's still on my list.

(view old news)


Site news

(17 June 2006) Impending doom! This site (and my college e-mail address) is policied to go offline on June 30. Hopefully by the end of this coming week, all material here will be succesfully merged with my Extinguished Scholar site.

(11 February 2006) Added "More people pictures" from many family gatherings. Took down individual pictures, hoping to include them within a collection sometime.

(31 January 2006) Another collection now in pictures: Bugs and Beasts.

(14 November 2005) Finally added the second half of a bunch of [mostly] black and white pictures. That's all.

(31 October 2005) Added another installment of pictures. Happy Reformation Day!

(10 October 2005) Hacked in some pictures to celebrate a special occasion. Might keep the individual pictures and collections if I can hone it a bit.

(8 October 2005) Added another collection, freshened main picture page with the latest camera; you never got to see me with the prolific S60 but that page needed to get up to speed. Also changed intro text alignment on each page.

(26 September 2005) Freshened the news page a bit, starting to use alpha channel transparency.

(24 September 2005) New camera, new collection: I'm putting up forty pictures from the first week with my DSLR.

(13 September 2005) There's a new set of pictures - people pictures. Hannah stayed up late to help me caption them; I never remember that there's a word for stacked up stones. I also fixed the previous images, which all had black lines down one side thanks to a flukey Automator action. Enjoy!

(3 September 2005) Recompiled the main image pages with my new utility. Most of the site now compiles under OS X, but no major changes on the surface yet.
Later: Added a new collection of pictures from the lot I was considering for exhibit. There are several more collections on their way out!

(12 March 2005) Freshened some pages. Added projects page.

(24 October 2004) Finally added a mixed collection of pictures from the last months.

(view old news)