Software tidbits
you can find a prettier page with whole applications on it in my projects section.
So...why am I here?
This page is where I'll post links to patches, notes and such. You're welcome to browse.
My interests are currently centered on things like digital pictures and their organization, computer linguistics, the math behind it all and the people who will learn to use the results.
I am learning to develop under FLTK, SQLite and other libraries using C/C++. I am also working on JavaScript and web programming, and dabbling a little in LISP. I hope to create multi-platform (though my recommendation is to just get a Mac) applications that friends, family and others can enjoy and find useful.
Here are some libraries I developed, improved or fixed for use in my own programs. They are released in various stages of completion, under several licenses and with no warranty.
- Fl_Native_File_Chooser - mostly based on Greg Ercolano's work, modified API. last update: 31-Aug-2005
Note: This code will soon be deprecated. Please check Greg's site for updated versions. Version 0.8 and above should include the important parts of my code, and switching should be trivial.
- Fl_Shared_Image_Display - to simply display (rotated) images fit to a box
- Fl_ExtPreferences - a derived class that adds boolean settings and easier data access.
- libjhead - an EXIF-reading C library built directly on the innards of Matthias Wendel's jhead.
- ScanForFiles - scan directories recursively finding files matching a pattern.
- Linked database - before I found SQLite, and because m by n tables don't always make much sense anyway.
- PHYS-203L simplified Ising model simulations:
Paper (pdf) - a mediocre paper.
Code archive (zip) - contains Excel and OpenOffice spreadsheets, Matlab/Octave programs and C source code.
Results archive (zip) - contains sample CSV results from the C source code, as well as an AVI animation of a Matlab model.
I haven't posted some of these yet - contact me to discuss works-in-progress.
This is a secret labyrinth beneath natevw's website.