Goals 2: Lost in Zen York
So the question is why?
Obviously, our goals are the why we have other goals.
but what’s The Goal?
I mean, why have the goals in the first place?
To recap: we have goals, and goals whose goal is to make those goals possible, but What’s. The. Goal. ??
To back up a bit: do we have big goals that we attain by setting little goals? Or do we have little goals that we achieve by big goals?
Or both?
I’ve now written “goal” so often, it’s feeling like ghoul and reading like gaol. Which is either a typo, or a British correctional facility.
goal goal goal goal
goal goal
goal goal goal
Or only one?
Zen and the art of zen writing…maintenance.)
We may disagree on The Goal. Even though neither of us probably’s actually really figured out — learned? — what it is yet, even.
(Do they really still spell jeeaol that way, in the English translation of English?)
At least I haven’t, which is probably why I’m a bit dogmatic.
(fully figured out the goal)
To be continued.
p.s. — it’s not Learning.