a glob of nerdishness

October 30, 2007

Hannah’s Leopard review

written by natevw @ 5:41 pm

Editor’s note: This is the only Mac or technology blog that my lovely wife reads, but within five minutes of looking at her new desktop, she was begging to make her disgust known publicly. Here are her notes, with only a few edits for clarity. If you thought developers (I’ve added cross-references) were just being curmudgeonly about some of Leopard’s new “features” , take a look at what a customer thinks.


Here’s what bugged me:

-The side dock is ugly. The dark box makes the screen look more cluttered. [I like the curved popping out folders], but they do not do that from the side. cf
-the semi-transparent top bar is unnecessary, sometimes annoying. cf
-there are obvious glitches (Camino didn’t hide when I told it to, etc.) Hopefully these things will be fixed soon.
-the new icons for “Pictures”, “Desktop”, “Documents” folders, etc. are indistinct. What were they thinking. cf

In summary, side dock users have been slighted and it seems that many changes (such as the top bar, and the rounded-edge pop-up menus) are just for the sake of having a change, and do not represent any true improvement.

Time Machine and other things may be great, but hopefully I will not be using time machine on a daily basis. I do have to look at the dock on a daily basis. Boo.

What was kind of cool:

I do like the calculator and dictionary in spotlight (hopefully I’ll remember to use them!) and the make-your-own widget from the web. And that I can use formatting such as bold while in Safari on blogger. Easily adding phone numbers and appointments to Address Book and iCal [from Mail] was impressive and might be useful.

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