Road to Mac OS X Leopard
AppleInsider has been posting a great series called “Road to Mac OS X Leopard” this month. The journalism shines not in the actual Leopard bits, but in the historical lead-up to each:
- QuickTime, iTunes, and Media Features
- System Preferences
- Parental Controls and Directory Services
- Collaborative Info Sharing Services
- Dashboard, Spotlight and the Desktop
- Safari 3.0
- iCal 3.0
- iChat 4.0
- Mail 3.0
- Time Machine
- Spaces
- Dock 1.6
- Finder 10.5
- Dictionary 2.0
- Preview 4.0
I’ll update this list as necessary. Tip: as elsewhere on teh adverwebs, the print version gives you the current article on a single page.
My favorites have been Safari (though sans Vannevar Bush and Ted Nelson), the Desktop, and Collaborative Services.
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