Thanks to Ned, I found, which has apparently been around longer than when I put up a list of vintage computers that I was playing with circa 1999.
I’ve just finished reading The Autodesk File in original book form (although it is now available online) and this site would have been a great reference to all the early personal computers mentioned therein!
Perhaps my first memory of computers was playing Starblaze on my dad’s Tandy Model 100. I remember him coding Tic-Tac-Toe on an Apple /// that sat in my room for ages, which I eventually “networked” with a long serial cable to a TRS-80 Model III that found its way into another corner. Then came the CoCo2() years, where I would turn the living room into a dance hall by looping the screen through colors controlled by a pair of joysticks. Good times! I sometimes miss those days when the guts of the computer were just a PEEK or a POKE away. Instead of surfing through a googol of sites, most of what I learned in those days came from poring through one BASIC Program Conversions book().